Brown Girl Blog

Spring 2021.png

What tf does Tiaraless mean?


First things first, do you know how hard it is to come up with a business name? I would love to see one person who has thought of the perfect business name before the business idea. In a way Tiaraless was my giving up because I couldn’t think of anything else so you might be disappointed with the real answer, Tireless means to simply be a Duchess, without the Tiara. 

I didn’t come up with the concept actually, I learned it from my ballet teacher. She always told us when we were at the barre to maintain our ballerina posture by imagining that there was an invisible Tiara on the top of our heads. If you watch a ballet, you’ll notice that ballerinas are literally jumping, turning, running, and leaping on their toes. Defying the laws of physics and human anatomy without breaking a sweat or ever looking down. I challenge myself to keep that same energy. 

I mean what a concept! Going through life with an imaginary crown on my head is exactly how I live my life as embarrassing as that sounds. It was something I thought about every single day when I lived in downtown Chicago when I would take the subway home at night time and I had to pass a gaggle of gross men. When I was a cheerleader in college and I was in my fourth hour of standing on the sidelines watching my team lose. Even now, when I force myself to walk up to people I don’t know and tell them about the business I own that I am so passionate about. 

I really wanted a name for my business that meant something and represented me and after going through what seemed like a thousand options and this one finally felt right. I hope the next time you do something that scares the hell out of you that you remember what you are the main character, the prima ballerina in your own production. And to never let invisible tiara budge an inch.